A Typical Day
9:00am - 9:15am Meet in the classroom to start the day with freeplay. All toys provide gross and fine motor development, and are rotated on a regular basis to provide children with age-appropriate opportunities to enhance their social-emotional and motor skills. Children also engage with teachers one-on-one during playtime and with art projects. 9:15am - 9:45am Gross motor time in the gym or on the playground. The two year old classes share this time playing with one another and the teachers in our fully equipped gym and playground. 9:45am - 10:30am Circle Time and Centers: The children sit as a group to discuss theme, listen to stories, and introduce color, shape, letter, and number concepts. They then explore in centers which include sensory play, block building, process art, home living, and manipulative exploration. 10:30-11:00am Snack time! We sit together and enjoy a snack from home and encourage conversation and good table manners. *Please note: First Baptist is a peanut-free school.* 11:00am - 11:30am Additional gross motor development opportunities at the gym or playground are provided for children to interact with one another and teachers. 11:30-12:00pm Music and movement: Children use rhythm sticks, other instruments, and bean bags to sing and dance This time is also used for structured activities and games to enhance the children's skills in listening and following directions. |